How to choose a USB flash drive
Once information was transferred to floppy disks, but it was a long time ago and…

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What information do applications for smartphones get without our knowledge?
Many of us start the day by opening mobile apps - before breakfast and the…

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What information do applications for smartphones get without our knowledge?
Many of us start the day by opening mobile apps - before breakfast and the…


Errors when flashing with the SP Flash Tool
Possible errors produced by the SP Flash Tool when flashing devices based on MediaTek processors.…

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What will smartphones and tablets be in 2030?
Reto Meier, who works for Google’s Android Developer Advocate, is also a renowned futurist. Having…


attention to facts

Who created the first working computer?

With a computer now you will not surprise anyone. The usual home appliance, like a TV or phone. Apparently, in a few years these three devices will merge into one.

That will be the joy of my beloved niece Natalie! Now she has a hard time. It is not easy to simultaneously chat with friends on Facebook, chat with other friends on the mobile phone and look at the TV screen.

When I once told her that in my time, computers were the size of a room, in a pinch, with a desk, she looked at me incredulously. I suspect that she secretly considers: the first computer was created by the great Steve Jobs. Created from the dust of the earth, breathed life into it and ordered: “Be fruitful and multiply.” Continue reading

How to replace a computer mouse? The future is now!

The corporations are creating the future. I propose a fairly simple “innovative” solution that helps in working with computers. All you need is to replace the mouse-type pointing device with a pen on a graphic tablet (like the Genius G-560 or the Wacom Bamboo One).

Please do not confuse graphics tablets with devices such as iPad. A graphics tablet (pen tablets) is only a device for entering information into a computer. Continue reading

How to write an intelligent SEO text? Simple rules

Article promotion is the foundation of the basics. This is one of the ways that experienced webmasters use in their practice. If you like working with text, have written good school essays, then you will most likely cope with writing a seo article after a little preparation.

In this article I bring to your attention 15 simple rules that will help in writing text that is interesting both for people and search engines. So, briefly and point by point.

Follow the rules of the Russian language. Continue reading

What will smartphones and tablets be in 2030?
Reto Meier, who works for Google’s Android Developer Advocate, is also a renowned futurist. Having…


Who created the first working computer?
With a computer now you will not surprise anyone. The usual home appliance, like a…


Sd card is not formatted
In the modern world, flash drives for PCs are quite popular, and in mobile devices…
