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Errors when flashing with the SP Flash Tool

Possible errors produced by the SP Flash Tool when flashing devices based on MediaTek processors.


The problem with the port.

It may occur if for example com-ports are disabled in your BIOS (although in this case the com-port is virtual and physical USB, but if you turn off, you simply will not see the hardware on which the preloader drivers are installed). This is either a problem in the USB cable (it helps to change the cable for the firmware), or a problem in the USB port of the computer (it helps to poke the cable into another port).


Occurs when the size of any part of the firmware exceeds the size of the space allotted to it (Usually it is a kernel block or Recovery). It may help to change the version of the flasher.


The error in the nature and direction is similar to the error 1003.


You must use a newer version of the SP Flash Tool


Scatter file does not fit the phone. For example, 6577 is present in the title, and the phone is actually 6573.


On phones with MTD flash, an error occurred:

1) When you select Download, the daw is not installed on the preloader or dsp_bl blocks. You must use the appropriate version of SPFT, for example, for MT6573 phones, or turn off DA Download All mode.
2) When selecting Download, a daw is installed on the preloader or dsp_bl blocks. It is necessary to remove the check from these blocks! If these blocks need to be flashed, you must connect the phone in BOOTROM mode.
3) When you select ReadBack, Format or MemoryTest. It is necessary to connect the phone in BOOTROM mode.


Possible connection problems. Check the cable and / or reconnect the cable to another port.


It is possible that in the SP Flash Tool window there is no bird on the uboot. uboot – the operating system loader + drivers for initializing the main hardware (display, processor, GPIO). Or when there are Russian folder names in the path line, for example: C: \ Users \ Andrey \ Desktop \ Hut \ Firmware \ Tablet firmware \ 8.31 \ Surfer 8.31 3G_20130402_V1.03 \ Surfer 8.31 3G_20130402_V1.03


In addition to the problem with the iron can be when the Scatter file does not fit the phone. For example, the name contains emmc, and the phone is actually with MTD flash.


Occurs with automatic formatting, you should try to set the formatting addresses manually.


The problem is that the SP Flash Tool before the firmware compares the address of the PMT block on the flash of the device with the scatter file and finds the difference, and therefore gives an error. The PMT block is created dynamically by the SP Flash Tool from a scatter file.

Solution to the problem:

To remove / overwrite a PMT block with a new one from the scatter file, you must first erase it in the device you want to flash. To do this, you need to press the Format button in the SP Flash Tool (we don’t change anything in the window that opens, just click OK), then click Download and the SP Flash Tool will rewrite the new PMT data to the flash and others too.


The solution is to change the USB port and transfer the SP Flash Tool to the root of the C drive:

There is also an option that there is no CPU / Flash information in the download agent file. The solution is to update the version of the flasher.

The problem may be hardware, for example, when a failed flash memory


Solution to the problem:

changing the version of the flasher, possibly even to an older version;
change cable for firmware;
It is also possible during the firmware sat down the battery. Solution: charge the phone and try the firmware again;
It may also be worth flashing with the battery inserted.

In addition to reading errors in the phone itself, the same error occurs when there are errors in the computer file system. For example, there is not enough space for the file or the file cannot be overwritten, because it is locked (look at the log).


An error occurs when trying to change the firmware on a device with an MT6589 processor through the SP Flash Tool.

Solution to the problem:

After flashing the phone, format the phone using the Format button (do not do it if you have a device on an MT6575 or 6577 processor) in the SP Flash Tool, then sew the official firmware or just from your device firmware and flush all the blocks (check all the boxes). Sometimes you need to remove and reinstall the drivers and re-format, and then reflash if the previous attempt was unsuccessful.


Block sizes in PMT and scatter-file do not match. It is necessary to find the line in the BROM_DLL log:

size changed from 0x

Often happens:

Partition 13 (USRDATA) size changed from 0x0000000000000000 to 0x000000000B620000

There is no size in the scatter file, therefore SPFT itself calculates the size of the USRDATA based on the size of the flash and the space for BMTPOOL. And in the PMT tables inside the body, the size of the blocks is spelled out and in this case someone or something.

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