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How to write an intelligent SEO text? Simple rules

Article promotion is the foundation of the basics. This is one of the ways that experienced webmasters use in their practice. If you like working with text, have written good school essays, then you will most likely cope with writing a seo article after a little preparation.

In this article I bring to your attention 15 simple rules that will help in writing text that is interesting both for people and search engines. So, briefly and point by point.

Follow the rules of the Russian language.

Spelling, punctuation, style should not “pump up”. We write literate, clear texts without errors, blurred endings, unnecessary commas and typos. Do not forget to re-read the article after writing. This is the simplest rule, but is violated most often.

More specifics and less water.
Do not “pour water” to increase the amount of text. This is striking! Focus on the good. More attention to facts, specific data, the form of presenting information.

The text should have a logical structure.
The introduction, the narrative, which gives answers to the questions posed, and the conclusion is a simple scheme for constructing a seo text. Use in work.

You need to know what you are writing about and pre-study the topic.
To study the question is better to choose reliable sources of information that are trustworthy. You should know what you are telling the reader. Under each word you need to subscribe or not to write at all.

Text must be formatted.
To place accents, use the font selection, lists, and headings that divide the text into semantic parts.

Do not forget to use keywords.
There are three types of keys:

Exact – the key is prescribed in the form in which it was given in the TK (example: “buy finishing materials”).

Morphological (diluted) – possible declination, changing words in places, adding prepositions, etc. As a rule, incompatible constructions in the text are replaced by morphological entries, which makes the material convenient and easy to read (the original key: “Moscow buy doors”, morphological: “buy doors in Moscow”).

Additional – can be used in the text, but not necessarily.

The text should be useful and provide answers to the questions asked.
The subject of the text should be disclosed in the content. Given the title of the article – revealed. The keys are simply given – the topic is chosen at random and disclosed. It is desirable to use numbers, statistics, facts.

The text is written primarily for people.
Unreadable constructions should be replaced with readable ones. There should be clear answers to the questions asked.

The optimal amount of text – from 1800 to 3000 characters without spaces.
This is an approximate guideline – the volume in which it is desirable to open the topic. You can write more, but if without the “water” and that requires the subject and the TK of the customer.

Not all punctuation marks can be used in the key.
Point, question and exclamation mark, ellipsis cannot be used inside the key. The remaining signs are available.

In the title, it is desirable to use the key.
The heading and the first paragraph should contain the main key. You should not “shove” into each subtitle by key. Search engines can regard this as spam and banned the site.

The uniqueness of the text when checking must be at least 95%.
Using non-unique content does not give the desired effect of promotion. Robots prefer fresh and unique texts that have never been placed before.

It is advisable to use subtitles, lists, selection.
This has already been said. The use of these attributes improves the attractiveness of the text for search engines and people who have entered the site.

Keyword density should be 3-4%.
To determine this indicator, you can use on-line services. Also, the density can be checked manually using the formula “the number of repetitions of a key word x 100% / the number of all words in the text”. To determine the number of repetitions of a word-key, you can use the “Ctrl + F” key combination.

Keep a balance between text literacy and optimization.
Use of the text + competent speech + observance of simple seo-requirements = good seo-content.

These simple rules will help you to advance in the TOP-10. Writing the right seo text is easy if you approach the matter wisely!

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