attention to facts
Say goodbye to plastic! The era of mobile wallets is coming
For half a century the civilized world does not think of life without plastic cards. However, having saved us from the need to mess with cash, “plastic” inevitably became a problem itself. Today, the average American carries only six bank cards in his wallet (and that is not counting all sorts of discount, etc.)! It is necessary to remember which and when to use, to pay for the issue and maintenance, to take care not to “light up” the room in a doubtful place. In short, there is a paradox: while remaining the pinnacle of financial and technical thought, the plastic card has simultaneously become a technological brake. Continue reading
Smartphone – “smart phone”
Mobile technologies in recent years are developing by leaps and bounds. The functionality of mobile devices has grown so much that now it is difficult to call them phones. In fact, what is the name of a device with which you can make calls, watch videos, take photos and much more? None other than “smart phone” (English Smart Phone). It is an intelligent system that offers the user something more than just telephone conversations.
Like a regular cell phone, but smarter.
A smartphone is almost the same as a regular mobile phone, but, unlike the latter, it is equipped with a camera, MP3 player and a portable game console. Continue reading
Who will win: an e-book or a regular one? The battle continues
Many people do not cease to ask themselves the questions: will the development of electronic technologies “destroy” the printing of books as such? Or anyway, individual judges will remain who prefer to read real books and newspapers, rather than use e-readers and find out the latest news on various Internet portals.
I want to talk about what is so good e-books, or, as they are simply called, “reader” or “reader.”
1. They are light. Continue reading