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What are the phones for 2 SIM-cards? Three kinds, different functions

A phone that supports 2 SIM cards is convenient: the device is one, and there are two cards at once! If you are considering reducing the number of your mobile phones by acquiring such a simple device, please be careful: not every 2-phone phone is capable of what everyone expects of it. Simultaneous work of two SIM-cards at a time is given only by a third of such devices. How to choose the right one?

You should start with the fact that there are three types of phones with support for 2 SIM-cards, and each has its own features of work. Let’s figure out what you should buy a mobile phone.

So, Dual SIM phones. This is the simplest type of 2-card device. Of the two SIM cards in such phones, only one can be active. Switching cards is done in the Settings menu, and this is not very convenient.

In other words, to send a message from another number, you first have to go to the “Settings” menu, turn off the active card, wait for the second one to load, and then go to type the text sms.

Dual SIM phones today are not as extensively represented. Fortunately, obsolete technology gives way to more modern.

Among the advantages of such devices can be called perhaps the cheapness of the device itself. But the price concessions in this case do not justify the inconvenient switching of the active SIM card and the inability to reach the second subscriber number.

The second type is Dual SIM Stand-By. With such a phone, you can not be afraid to miss an important call: both installed SIM cards can be active at the same time. The only amendment: the second SIM will become inactive for the first-line conversation. After completing a voice call, it will return to normal operation.

In the event that someone tried to reach you at the second number while you were chatting over the first one, as soon as the connection is interrupted, you will receive a message about all missed calls.

Dual SIM Stand-By models are more expensive than the first, but they are not sold at exorbitant prices. So such a phone can be considered an example of an optimal purchase.

Dual SIM Stand-By Models Third Type – Dual SIM Active. Today, this technology has not received enough distribution, although, as you might have guessed, it is this technology that allows you to always stay in touch: both SIM cards remain active even with an active incoming call to any of them. This is their main advantage. If during a call you are called to the second number, the call from the first subscriber can be placed on standby and calmly answer the second call.

This was made possible through the use of two radio modules. In the Dual SIM Stand-By and Dual SIM-phones, the radio module is only one.

Consider that two simultaneously active mobile communication modules will more actively plant the battery of the device. Increased power consumption is, in fact, the main disadvantage of such devices. In addition, another “but” emerges here: with increased communication capabilities, the level of radiation from a mobile phone also increases.

And, which is logical, the cost of such phones is much higher than the prices of the devices of the two categories listed above.

If you are interested in an inexpensive, but very practical purchase, it is better to stop the choice on 2-sim dual SIM Stand-By phones. The devices in this category are inexpensive, but they allow you to always stay in touch. Well, almost always.

And you can find out which of the three types of 2-SIMs listed above the model you chose, by marking on the phone packaging.

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