Errors when flashing with the SP Flash Tool
Possible errors produced by the SP Flash Tool when flashing devices based on MediaTek processors.
The problem with the port.
It may occur if for example com-ports are disabled in your BIOS (although in this case the com-port is virtual and physical USB, but if you turn off, you simply will not see the hardware on which the preloader drivers are installed). This is either a problem in the USB cable (it helps to change the cable for the firmware), or a problem in the USB port of the computer (it helps to poke the cable into another port). Continue reading
Interesting facts about mobile communications. Did you know about this? ..
Mobile communication has firmly entered our lives and has become absolutely familiar. But there are many facts that most of us do not even realize. Here are some of them. Kostenko Maxim, Cellular or Mobile? Is soup and food the same? On the one hand – yes, on the other – not really. Anyone understands that soup is a type of food. A mobile phone is a device with the help of which we can stay in touch, moving within a certain territory, as opposed to a stationary one. Therefore, a mobile phone, a satellite telephone, and a cellular phone familiar to everyone, which can be used within the coverage area of a cellular network, can be attributed to mobile phones. Continue reading