Collection of facts about mobile phones
During its short existence, cellular communication has strongly influenced the sphere of communications all over…

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New MediaTek technologies in the Helio X20 chipset
MediaTek did not bring new commercial devices based on the Helio X20 chip to MWC…

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The most interesting facts about mobile phones
As you know, a mobile phone is firmly entrenched in the life of a modern…


Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts
Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article "Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts…

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Sd card is not formatted
In the modern world, flash drives for PCs are quite popular, and in mobile devices…


hard to imagine

Collection of facts about mobile phones

During its short existence, cellular communication has strongly influenced the sphere of communications all over the world and the life of each of us. A mobile phone, which ten years ago was inaccessible to the majority of the population of our state, today is an essential attribute of daily life.
As a result of the fact that the phones have so strongly influenced our lives, scientists and statisticians are actively exploring this area and we were able to find some interesting scientific findings and just interesting facts about mobile communication.
All data we have in the form of a video presentation: Continue reading

Interesting facts about the phones

We all use our mobile phones every day and cannot imagine our life without them. More and more advanced devices are being created, but we know little about our phones. Today we will tell you some interesting facts about the phones.
Facts about phones
Many people are afraid of losing their phone. This phenomenon has spread so much that it even got its own name. Fear of losing your phone is called “nomofibiya.” Continue reading

Interesting facts about the phones

Mobile phones have changed the world – there is no need to prove such an obvious fact. The way of communication has changed, and the very concept of “being in touch” has undergone a significant change: most people stay in touch 24 hours a day – thanks to small calling devices without wires. The facts described below only prove how much the world has changed after the massive introduction of mobile phones into our lives – so much so that we didn’t suspect.
Interesting facts about the phones
1. There are many Continue reading

10 interesting facts about Android that are not known to everyone
You probably know that Android is the most popular mobile platform in the world. Many…


Nokia 808 PureView Review with 41MP Camera!
The Nokia 808 PureView smartphone became a real sensation at the February exhibition in Barcelona:…


Who will win: an e-book or a regular one? The battle continues
Many people do not cease to ask themselves the questions: will the development of electronic…
