How long is a minute on the social network?
If the minute were the minute always and everywhere, then there would be no special…

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Мой фундамент
Tablets and phones in the lives of our children
It is not surprising that today parents and their children constantly have to share gadgets…

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How to replace a computer mouse? The future is now!
The corporations are creating the future. I propose a fairly simple “innovative” solution that helps…


What information do applications for smartphones get without our knowledge?
Many of us start the day by opening mobile apps - before breakfast and the…

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Gadget for nothing: how low prices for modern technology will fall?
  MP3 player. The first portable MP3 player appeared in March 1998 and was released…


not averse to changing

Interesting facts about cell phones

Interesting facts about mobile phones

The cell phone has fundamentally changed our attitude, made all of our areas of life easier, brighter, more interesting. We do not part with mobile phones around the clock, do not imagine ourselves without the possibility of constant instant communication with family, friends, business partners. Here are some interesting information confirming the fundamentally new framework of life that has been established with the massive introduction of mobile phones into our living space.

1. Their huge amount Continue reading

Collection of facts about mobile phones

During its short existence, cellular communication has strongly influenced the sphere of communications all over the world and the life of each of us. A mobile phone, which ten years ago was inaccessible to the majority of the population of our state, today is an essential attribute of daily life.
As a result of the fact that the phones have so strongly influenced our lives, scientists and statisticians are actively exploring this area and we were able to find some interesting scientific findings and just interesting facts about mobile communication.
All data we have in the form of a video presentation: Continue reading

Interesting facts about the phones

Mobile phones have changed the world – there is no need to prove such an obvious fact. The way of communication has changed, and the very concept of “being in touch” has undergone a significant change: most people stay in touch 24 hours a day – thanks to small calling devices without wires. The facts described below only prove how much the world has changed after the massive introduction of mobile phones into our lives – so much so that we didn’t suspect.
Interesting facts about the phones
1. There are many Continue reading

When was the first spam sent out?
There is a saying "A blessing in disguise." I would reformulate it like this: "There…


How to choose a home computer?
Nowadays, a computer is no longer a luxury, but a means of interaction with the…


Who will win: an e-book or a regular one? The battle continues
Many people do not cease to ask themselves the questions: will the development of electronic…
