Types of screens in smartphones: which one to choose?
Before the mass distribution of smartphones, when buying phones, we evaluated them mainly by design…

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Presented by Redmi Note 7 from the new sub-brand Xiaomi
Today in Beijing, a conference was held, in which the Chinese manufacturing giant Xiaomi presented…

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Tablets and phones in the lives of our children
It is not surprising that today parents and their children constantly have to share gadgets…


Who created the first working computer?
With a computer now you will not surprise anyone. The usual home appliance, like a…

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Interesting facts about cell phones
Interesting facts about mobile phones The cell phone has fundamentally changed our attitude, made all…


more affordable

Mobile phones, interesting facts

The first mobile phone from Motorola appeared in 1983. Then not every family in the Soviet Union even had a home telephone. No one could have imagined that over time, mobile communications will make a huge revolution in the field of human communication and will become the main means of communication. The first mobile phones entering the Ukrainian market were bulky, heavy, and quickly discharged. Not only the phones themselves were expensive, but also a minute of conversation on them. No one knew then that there would once be iPhones that would have a multimillion army of fans. By the way, if you are a happy owner of such a phone, then, most likely, sometimes you need a repair of iPhones. Whatever Apple fans say – these phones break down like everyone else. Continue reading

The very first phones in the world
Before the appearance of the usual phones for us, their prototypes existed. But electric phones…


Interesting facts about mobile phones that you didn't know about
We use a mobile phone daily. Anyway, most people do. The current generation is almost…


Interesting facts about the phones
We all use our mobile phones every day and cannot imagine our life without them.…
