Say goodbye to plastic! The era of mobile wallets is coming
For half a century the civilized world does not think of life without plastic cards.…

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SplashPower - wireless charging devices!
Humanity is dependent on electricity. Without it, millions of PCs will not turn on, trains…

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Smartphone - "smart phone"
Mobile technologies in recent years are developing by leaps and bounds. The functionality of mobile…


When was the first spam sent out?
There is a saying "A blessing in disguise." I would reformulate it like this: "There…

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What are the phones for 2 SIM-cards? Three kinds, different functions
A phone that supports 2 SIM cards is convenient: the device is one, and there…


hurry to invest

Sd card is not formatted

In the modern world, flash drives for PCs are quite popular, and in mobile devices – microSD memory cards. The popularity of devices is due to their low price, the ability to store large amounts of data, and at the same time easily transfer all this data to other devices.

But these devices also have drawbacks – this is a problem in formatting. Users of data storage devices are at a loss from the fact that the SD card is not formatted. At the same time often asked such questions: The memory card is not formatted what to do? And the SD card is damaged Android how to fix? Let’s answer these questions and find out what to do if the memory card is not formatted. Continue reading

What are the phones for 2 SIM-cards? Three kinds, different functions

A phone that supports 2 SIM cards is convenient: the device is one, and there are two cards at once! If you are considering reducing the number of your mobile phones by acquiring such a simple device, please be careful: not every 2-phone phone is capable of what everyone expects of it. Simultaneous work of two SIM-cards at a time is given only by a third of such devices. How to choose the right one?

You should start with the fact that there are three types of phones with support for 2 SIM-cards, and each has its own features of work. Let’s figure out what you should buy a mobile phone. Continue reading

Immediate prospects for commerce on the Internet

Despite Ukraine’s noticeable lag behind most European countries in the startup industry, we are still in some ways first. For several years in a row, Ukrainian trade on the Internet has shown an annual growth of a third, due to which it occupies a leading position in the Eastern European market.

Moreover, in terms of development rates, our market overtakes any of the European countries. What was the impetus for mass Internet entrepreneurship and what are the business prospects? Consider in more detail.

Online shopping A bit of statistics Continue reading

How to choose a home computer?
Nowadays, a computer is no longer a luxury, but a means of interaction with the…


5 facts about the brand Xiaomi
Smartphones from the famous Chinese brand Xiaomi appeared on the Ukrainian mobile technology market not…


What information do applications for smartphones get without our knowledge?
Many of us start the day by opening mobile apps - before breakfast and the…
