Collection of facts about mobile phones
During its short existence, cellular communication has strongly influenced the sphere of communications all over…

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What information do applications for smartphones get without our knowledge?
Many of us start the day by opening mobile apps - before breakfast and the…

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10 interesting facts about Android that are not known to everyone
You probably know that Android is the most popular mobile platform in the world. Many…


5 ways to get in shape with a mobile phone
Combining a variety of training devices with mobile phones, we will do what? That's right…

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The best computer gadgets for children
The list of the best gadgets for children includes Griffin MyPhones headphones. Buyers are invited…


modern world

Sd card is not formatted

In the modern world, flash drives for PCs are quite popular, and in mobile devices – microSD memory cards. The popularity of devices is due to their low price, the ability to store large amounts of data, and at the same time easily transfer all this data to other devices.

But these devices also have drawbacks – this is a problem in formatting. Users of data storage devices are at a loss from the fact that the SD card is not formatted. At the same time often asked such questions: The memory card is not formatted what to do? And the SD card is damaged Android how to fix? Let’s answer these questions and find out what to do if the memory card is not formatted. Continue reading

Interesting facts about the phones
Mobile phones have changed the world - there is no need to prove such an…


Mobile phones, interesting facts
The first mobile phone from Motorola appeared in 1983. Then not every family in the…


How to write an intelligent SEO text? Simple rules
Article promotion is the foundation of the basics. This is one of the ways that…
