Errors when flashing with the SP Flash Tool
Possible errors produced by the SP Flash Tool when flashing devices based on MediaTek processors.…

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How to choose a home computer?
Nowadays, a computer is no longer a luxury, but a means of interaction with the…

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Choosing a service center for mobile phone repair
An unexpected breakdown of the mobile phone happened, perhaps, with everyone. Surviving a few days…


Interesting facts about cell phones
Interesting facts about mobile phones The cell phone has fundamentally changed our attitude, made all…

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Interesting facts about mobile phones that you didn't know about
We use a mobile phone daily. Anyway, most people do. The current generation is almost…


models appeared

Sd card is not formatted

In the modern world, flash drives for PCs are quite popular, and in mobile devices – microSD memory cards. The popularity of devices is due to their low price, the ability to store large amounts of data, and at the same time easily transfer all this data to other devices.

But these devices also have drawbacks – this is a problem in formatting. Users of data storage devices are at a loss from the fact that the SD card is not formatted. At the same time often asked such questions: The memory card is not formatted what to do? And the SD card is damaged Android how to fix? Let’s answer these questions and find out what to do if the memory card is not formatted. Continue reading

Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts

Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts and videos” useful information on this topic. Tips to get rid of smartphone addiction.

What is nomophobia
Nomophobia (eng. Nomophobia, from no mobile-phone phobia). It is a fear (phobia) to remain without a mobile phone or to be far away from it.

Friends, how many times a day do you check your phone? According to the survey, a typical American checks a smartphone every 6.5 minutes. Young people feel their devotion to their own gadgets especially acutely. This dependence on the smartphone (nomophobia). Fear (phobia) to remain without a mobile phone. Continue reading

Say goodbye to plastic! The era of mobile wallets is coming

For half a century the civilized world does not think of life without plastic cards. However, having saved us from the need to mess with cash, “plastic” inevitably became a problem itself. Today, the average American carries only six bank cards in his wallet (and that is not counting all sorts of discount, etc.)! It is necessary to remember which and when to use, to pay for the issue and maintenance, to take care not to “light up” the room in a doubtful place. In short, there is a paradox: while remaining the pinnacle of financial and technical thought, the plastic card has simultaneously become a technological brake. Continue reading

Presented by Redmi Note 7 from the new sub-brand Xiaomi
Today in Beijing, a conference was held, in which the Chinese manufacturing giant Xiaomi presented…


When was the first spam sent out?
There is a saying "A blessing in disguise." I would reformulate it like this: "There…


What information do applications for smartphones get without our knowledge?
Many of us start the day by opening mobile apps - before breakfast and the…
