The very first phones in the world
Before the appearance of the usual phones for us, their prototypes existed. But electric phones…

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How to choose a mobile phone?
When buying a mobile phone, there are many characteristics that need to be considered. First…

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5 facts about the brand Xiaomi
Smartphones from the famous Chinese brand Xiaomi appeared on the Ukrainian mobile technology market not…


The very first phones in the world
Before the appearance of the usual phones for us, their prototypes existed. But electric phones…

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Interesting facts about phones
Calls to work, calls to family and friends, we call every day and do not…


first flash drive

Gadget for nothing: how low prices for modern technology will fall?


MP3 player. The first portable MP3 player appeared in March 1998 and was released by the Korean company SaeHan Information Systems. A device called Eiger Labs MPMan F10 had 32 MB of memory. Music lovers, who thought that this volume was not enough, could send the player to the manufacturer and for some 69 dollars get the player already with fabulous 64 MB. This memory was only enough for 12-15 songs. The price of the world’s very first MP3 player was $ 250. Today it is difficult to find a player with similar characteristics, but even the most modern iPod Nano with a 2.5-inch touch screen, only 5.4 mm thick and 16 GB of memory will cost 1,500 hryvnia.

3D printer Continue reading

Say goodbye to plastic! The era of mobile wallets is coming
For half a century the civilized world does not think of life without plastic cards.…


Tablets and phones in the lives of our children
It is not surprising that today parents and their children constantly have to share gadgets…


5 facts about the brand Xiaomi
Smartphones from the famous Chinese brand Xiaomi appeared on the Ukrainian mobile technology market not…
