Immediate prospects for commerce on the Internet
Despite Ukraine’s noticeable lag behind most European countries in the startup industry, we are still…

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5 ways to get in shape with a mobile phone
Combining a variety of training devices with mobile phones, we will do what? That's right…

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How to choose a home computer?
Nowadays, a computer is no longer a luxury, but a means of interaction with the…


Choosing a service center for mobile phone repair
An unexpected breakdown of the mobile phone happened, perhaps, with everyone. Surviving a few days…

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How long is a minute on the social network?
If the minute were the minute always and everywhere, then there would be no special…


largest handset

10 interesting facts about Android that are not known to everyone

You probably know that Android is the most popular mobile platform in the world. Many have heard that the market share of this operating system still shows growth and over the past few quarters has approached an astronomical 80%, leaving Apple and Microsoft far behind.

Some will say that the popularity of Android is due to the openness of the system and a very wide range of devices, which in itself implies representation in all price segments. What is there to conceal, we agree that choosing a device on Android is much easier than on any other platform, as almost any manufacturer, ranging from unknown Chinese brands, to Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony, Huawei, etc. , used as the primary – OS from Google. And the high prevalence includes a large number of applications, and in turn, a large application store is working to increase popularity and so on. Continue reading

5 ways to get in shape with a mobile phone
Combining a variety of training devices with mobile phones, we will do what? That's right…


Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts
Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article "Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts…


Gadget for nothing: how low prices for modern technology will fall?
  MP3 player. The first portable MP3 player appeared in March 1998 and was released…
