Smartphone - "smart phone"
Mobile technologies in recent years are developing by leaps and bounds. The functionality of mobile…

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Mobile phones, interesting facts
The first mobile phone from Motorola appeared in 1983. Then not every family in the…

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Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts
Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article "Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts…


Who created the first working computer?
With a computer now you will not surprise anyone. The usual home appliance, like a…

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Startup of the week: Zanco Smart-Pen - the world's thinnest phone in the form of a stylus
Last week we told you about a unique work for tourists and travelers called Cleansebot,…



How to choose a home computer?

Nowadays, a computer is no longer a luxury, but a means of interaction with the outside world. Computer – a huge leap in the development of civilization. With his appearance, various areas of the industry related to digital and information technologies began to actively develop. Now the computer is used in almost all spheres of human activity: it does boring work for us, connects people who live on different continents and just helps to relax and have fun.

In this regard, the choice of a computer should be taken carefully, because very few people will like it when the “machine” suddenly turns off without saving your annual report. Continue reading

How to choose a mobile phone?

When buying a mobile phone, there are many characteristics that need to be considered. First of all, you have to ask yourself what is most important for you on the phone? Are you just looking for a simple phone with which to call and send text messages without access to the Internet? If so, there are a number of cheap and simple phones. As a rule, at the price from 200 to 400 UAH.

As a rule, these budget phones have basic functions. You can usually use them for several days before you need to charge them again. Continue reading

Interesting facts about cell phones

Interesting facts about mobile phones

The cell phone has fundamentally changed our attitude, made all of our areas of life easier, brighter, more interesting. We do not part with mobile phones around the clock, do not imagine ourselves without the possibility of constant instant communication with family, friends, business partners. Here are some interesting information confirming the fundamentally new framework of life that has been established with the massive introduction of mobile phones into our living space.

1. Their huge amount Continue reading

Sd card is not formatted
In the modern world, flash drives for PCs are quite popular, and in mobile devices…


Interesting facts about the phones
We all use our mobile phones every day and cannot imagine our life without them.…


Immediate prospects for commerce on the Internet
Despite Ukraine’s noticeable lag behind most European countries in the startup industry, we are still…
