The best computer gadgets for children
The list of the best gadgets for children includes Griffin MyPhones headphones. Buyers are invited…

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What information do applications for smartphones get without our knowledge?
Many of us start the day by opening mobile apps - before breakfast and the…

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Why is it worth buying smartphones on Android?
IPhones flooded the market not only because of the brand’s promotion and popularity, but also…


5 ways to get in shape with a mobile phone
Combining a variety of training devices with mobile phones, we will do what? That's right…

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Immediate prospects for commerce on the Internet
Despite Ukraine’s noticeable lag behind most European countries in the startup industry, we are still…


move and a year ahead

Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts

Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts and videos” useful information on this topic. Tips to get rid of smartphone addiction.

What is nomophobia
Nomophobia (eng. Nomophobia, from no mobile-phone phobia). It is a fear (phobia) to remain without a mobile phone or to be far away from it.

Friends, how many times a day do you check your phone? According to the survey, a typical American checks a smartphone every 6.5 minutes. Young people feel their devotion to their own gadgets especially acutely. This dependence on the smartphone (nomophobia). Fear (phobia) to remain without a mobile phone. Continue reading

How to choose a home computer?

Nowadays, a computer is no longer a luxury, but a means of interaction with the outside world. Computer – a huge leap in the development of civilization. With his appearance, various areas of the industry related to digital and information technologies began to actively develop. Now the computer is used in almost all spheres of human activity: it does boring work for us, connects people who live on different continents and just helps to relax and have fun.

In this regard, the choice of a computer should be taken carefully, because very few people will like it when the “machine” suddenly turns off without saving your annual report. Continue reading

How long is a minute on the social network?

If the minute were the minute always and everywhere, then there would be no special concepts related to its duration. What, for example, does “facebook minute” mean?

You can go to the social network for one minute to read the messages. But some of them need to be answered, and new photos are carried away, and funny stories are read avidly, and this is really the evening in the courtyard, and we still have that very minute, which we found in the social network.

However, the phenomenon is not new. If the hostess ran out to the neighbor for a minute, she asked every half hour to stir the borsch. Continue reading

What information do applications for smartphones get without our knowledge?
Many of us start the day by opening mobile apps - before breakfast and the…


Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts
Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article "Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts…


Say goodbye to plastic! The era of mobile wallets is coming
For half a century the civilized world does not think of life without plastic cards.…
