Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts
Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article "Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts…

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10 interesting facts about Android that are not known to everyone
You probably know that Android is the most popular mobile platform in the world. Many…

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Say goodbye to plastic! The era of mobile wallets is coming
For half a century the civilized world does not think of life without plastic cards.…


What information do applications for smartphones get without our knowledge?
Many of us start the day by opening mobile apps - before breakfast and the…

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Website creation and promotion: how to correct?
In our time, progress does not stand still and his majesty comfort flourishes successfully in…


functionality it was

Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts

Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts and videos” useful information on this topic. Tips to get rid of smartphone addiction.

What is nomophobia
Nomophobia (eng. Nomophobia, from no mobile-phone phobia). It is a fear (phobia) to remain without a mobile phone or to be far away from it.

Friends, how many times a day do you check your phone? According to the survey, a typical American checks a smartphone every 6.5 minutes. Young people feel their devotion to their own gadgets especially acutely. This dependence on the smartphone (nomophobia). Fear (phobia) to remain without a mobile phone. Continue reading

Startup of the week: Zanco Smart-Pen – the world’s thinnest phone in the form of a stylus

Last week we told you about a unique work for tourists and travelers called Cleansebot, which will provide bed disinfection in hotels. Today’s article is devoted to an unusual Zanco Smart-Pen phone, made in the form of a stylus.
about the project
We are used to the fact that most modern phones are made in the form of a classic rectangle. If this is not enough for you, you can find phones in the form of a credit card, devices made in a round case, etc. Continue reading

10 interesting facts about Android that are not known to everyone

You probably know that Android is the most popular mobile platform in the world. Many have heard that the market share of this operating system still shows growth and over the past few quarters has approached an astronomical 80%, leaving Apple and Microsoft far behind.

Some will say that the popularity of Android is due to the openness of the system and a very wide range of devices, which in itself implies representation in all price segments. What is there to conceal, we agree that choosing a device on Android is much easier than on any other platform, as almost any manufacturer, ranging from unknown Chinese brands, to Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony, Huawei, etc. , used as the primary – OS from Google. And the high prevalence includes a large number of applications, and in turn, a large application store is working to increase popularity and so on. Continue reading

Nokia 808 PureView Review with 41MP Camera!
The Nokia 808 PureView smartphone became a real sensation at the February exhibition in Barcelona:…


Immediate prospects for commerce on the Internet
Despite Ukraine’s noticeable lag behind most European countries in the startup industry, we are still…


Tablets and phones in the lives of our children
It is not surprising that today parents and their children constantly have to share gadgets…
