Mobile phones, interesting facts
The first mobile phone from Motorola appeared in 1983. Then not every family in the…

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Interesting facts about the phones
Mobile phones have changed the world - there is no need to prove such an…

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Tablets and phones in the lives of our children
It is not surprising that today parents and their children constantly have to share gadgets…


SplashPower - wireless charging devices!
Humanity is dependent on electricity. Without it, millions of PCs will not turn on, trains…

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Interesting facts about mobile communications. Did you know about this? ..
Mobile communication has firmly entered our lives and has become absolutely familiar. But there are…


more prone

Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts

Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Dependence on the smartphone: interesting facts and videos” useful information on this topic. Tips to get rid of smartphone addiction.

What is nomophobia
Nomophobia (eng. Nomophobia, from no mobile-phone phobia). It is a fear (phobia) to remain without a mobile phone or to be far away from it.

Friends, how many times a day do you check your phone? According to the survey, a typical American checks a smartphone every 6.5 minutes. Young people feel their devotion to their own gadgets especially acutely. This dependence on the smartphone (nomophobia). Fear (phobia) to remain without a mobile phone. Continue reading

What can be dangerous social networks?
Since the advent of social networks, their popularity has been growing every day. And it…


Interesting facts about mobile phones that you didn't know about
We use a mobile phone daily. Anyway, most people do. The current generation is almost…


What is better - a tablet or laptop?
What is better - a tablet or laptop? I, like many others, will say: it…
