Mobile phones, interesting facts
The first mobile phone from Motorola appeared in 1983. Then not every family in the…

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What information do applications for smartphones get without our knowledge?
Many of us start the day by opening mobile apps - before breakfast and the…

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Sd card is not formatted
In the modern world, flash drives for PCs are quite popular, and in mobile devices…


SplashPower - wireless charging devices!
Humanity is dependent on electricity. Without it, millions of PCs will not turn on, trains…

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How to choose a USB flash drive
Once information was transferred to floppy disks, but it was a long time ago and…


fax capabilities

Errors when flashing with the SP Flash Tool

Possible errors produced by the SP Flash Tool when flashing devices based on MediaTek processors.


The problem with the port.

It may occur if for example com-ports are disabled in your BIOS (although in this case the com-port is virtual and physical USB, but if you turn off, you simply will not see the hardware on which the preloader drivers are installed). This is either a problem in the USB cable (it helps to change the cable for the firmware), or a problem in the USB port of the computer (it helps to poke the cable into another port). Continue reading

Gadget for nothing: how low prices for modern technology will fall?


MP3 player. The first portable MP3 player appeared in March 1998 and was released by the Korean company SaeHan Information Systems. A device called Eiger Labs MPMan F10 had 32 MB of memory. Music lovers, who thought that this volume was not enough, could send the player to the manufacturer and for some 69 dollars get the player already with fabulous 64 MB. This memory was only enough for 12-15 songs. The price of the world’s very first MP3 player was $ 250. Today it is difficult to find a player with similar characteristics, but even the most modern iPod Nano with a 2.5-inch touch screen, only 5.4 mm thick and 16 GB of memory will cost 1,500 hryvnia.

3D printer Continue reading

Who created the first working computer?

With a computer now you will not surprise anyone. The usual home appliance, like a TV or phone. Apparently, in a few years these three devices will merge into one.

That will be the joy of my beloved niece Natalie! Now she has a hard time. It is not easy to simultaneously chat with friends on Facebook, chat with other friends on the mobile phone and look at the TV screen.

When I once told her that in my time, computers were the size of a room, in a pinch, with a desk, she looked at me incredulously. I suspect that she secretly considers: the first computer was created by the great Steve Jobs. Created from the dust of the earth, breathed life into it and ordered: “Be fruitful and multiply.” Continue reading

Errors when flashing with the SP Flash Tool
Possible errors produced by the SP Flash Tool when flashing devices based on MediaTek processors.…


What can be dangerous social networks?
Since the advent of social networks, their popularity has been growing every day. And it…


Errors when flashing with the SP Flash Tool
Possible errors produced by the SP Flash Tool when flashing devices based on MediaTek processors.…
