Tablets and phones in the lives of our children
It is not surprising that today parents and their children constantly have to share gadgets…

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Строительство домов из бруса
What are the phones for 2 SIM-cards? Three kinds, different functions
A phone that supports 2 SIM cards is convenient: the device is one, and there…

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How long is a minute on the social network?
If the minute were the minute always and everywhere, then there would be no special…


5 ways to get in shape with a mobile phone
Combining a variety of training devices with mobile phones, we will do what? That's right…

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What is a QR code?
More and more often, we can see such codes on our streets: in advertising posters…


every buyer

SplashPower – wireless charging devices!

Humanity is dependent on electricity. Without it, millions of PCs will not turn on, trains will not go, planes will not fly. And where is electricity – there are wires … People constantly want to get rid of them, developing more and more advanced wireless communication systems. The emergence of Bluetooth, and then Wi-Fi, partially alleviated the problem of wireless communication and data transfer, however, one complication remained – wireless charging of mobile and computer devices. It is over the resolution of this issue that the best minds of a number of campaigns have been fighting since about 2002.

Who stands at the wheel? Continue reading

Interesting facts about mobile phones that you didn't know about
We use a mobile phone daily. Anyway, most people do. The current generation is almost…


The most interesting facts about mobile phones
As you know, a mobile phone is firmly entrenched in the life of a modern…


Errors when flashing with the SP Flash Tool
Possible errors produced by the SP Flash Tool when flashing devices based on MediaTek processors.…
